Grazie Andrea Pirlo / AC Milan Legends

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Andrea Pirlo given sensational send off as football’s most famous faces including Francesco Totti, Ronaldo, Cafu and Frank Lampard put on 14-goal thriller in emotional San Siro testimonial


Marouen Trabelsi says:

who's filming ?

Haryo Radityo says:

Batistuta should be there too

Alexandar Valerian says:

I wouldn't be able to walk on that pitch. My legs would turn to jelly. I would have to crawl and drool while I look at all those names and history.

Dede Milano says:

Org yg ba video tdk jelas cmn bkin penasaran ?

dato isakadze says:

gamarjoba levan shentan laparaki minda da sad gelaparako?

Ilham K Sembiring says:

Proud to be milanisti

M Ahsan Javaid says:

Kaka Should be there 🙁

Ferdiansyah Putro says:

The Legend.

Eka Damyati says:

Pipo ..
Jagoan ku sampe skrg.sangat berharga gaya permainan nya

Emme Effe says:

Mamma mia che sogno, se ci fossero stati anche Dinho e Kaka probabilmente non sarei qui a scrivere questo commento ⚰️⚰️⚰️

Ricky Torn says:

This was one of the most insane gathering of football legends ever, only missed Baresi and a few others.

Peto Jerami says:

Juventus Legend

chi man tsang says:

Leonardo 18 !!!!!

Manu Galuppi says:

Immobile Icardi e tutti gli altri.. pallide copie di questi campioni…grazie per Berlino eroi del nostro calcio..

Manu Galuppi says:

Cazzo che emozione.. tutti insieme siete fantastici.. i campioni dei campioni

Iveri Suxumski says:

operator- kakha kaladze! grazie

Dino Rex says:

Bello questo video… bravo Major Kaladze è forza Milan ?⚫


Beautiful moment. Im so proud

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