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– The Nobz


jidedinho says:

sign insigne

timothy hornbeger says:

Listen take young players to develop and you'll have a strong team use your brain take 19 year old players not old ones

Phenom Vlogs says:

Get Anthony martial or Marcus rashford

Všelék says:

Please get back el shaarawy to AC Milan 🙂

Milos Gracanin says:

Martial and if you can Ziyech! 😉

ale_san says:

Ziyech hands down!

S says:

I have Lobato and he's great for his age but his stamina is pretty awful. I trained his stamina to try and get it higher but it's still pretty poor at 57. I just use him as a super sub and his pace usually does help him grab a few goals.

S says:

There's honestly no point in even loaning the youngsters who are in the 60 overalls. They'll at max be like 75 rated and that's in about 10 years time.

S says:

Nice series man. I'm nearly at the end of my second season with Milan on ML.

Dwayne k27ism says:

4-3-1-2 always seems to work well for me in FIFA with Milan, even on World Class mode in which i have thrashed Juve with! since the way i play is pretty much relying on quick short passes or decisive through balls to rip apart the opposition defense, the formation doesn't really rely a lot on crosses, but with that in mind, i have from time to time won matches from crosses with 4-3-1-2!
My point is, 4-3-1-2 is a good formation for Milan, especially when we have twin strikers as opposed to just a lone striker at the center of a trident like in 4-3-3!

setyawan agung says:

dude, you need a new CB not a new attacking side.

Abderrahmane Bounar says:

Sign With Renato and Martial ?

Raghuraj Singh Nirwan says:

dont get martial instead get a good cmf like sanches casemiro or kante

abi 19 says:

try for bonucci and sign renato,don't sign martial because you have already niang bacca lapadula and lobato,sell lapadula ,sosa,vangioni and ely .DO IT ! DO WHAT ?JUST DO IT ! OK DO WHAT?!? SIGN SANé <3
de sciglio -bonucci-romagnoli-santos
sané bacca bonaventura
try this.

knowledge bridge says:

sign martial and sanches

That one guy says:

if u get 99 team spirit, your goalie, would be like amazing.

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