barcelona vs real madrid 5-0 29/11/10 all goals full match highlights El Clasico

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El Classico 2010 – All Goals Highlights –
Real Madrid Vs Barcelona 5-0 All Goals – 29.11.10 Highlights
barcelona vs real madrid 5-0 All Goals – 29.11.10 Highlights
Ronaldo vs Messi xavi pedro david villa HQ HD high quality FC barcelona


Zutroyhere says:

The most annoying commentator in the world.

Miha Vengust says:

stevennnbeat777 ur just jeleous hahaha

Rafael Elizondo says:

@mautwana oh shit, sorry man, it was for some other guy, I clicked yours by accident who was talking some bullshit..

Rafael Elizondo says:

@mautwana jose has never beaten barca in a final, never won a camp nou, and they have never played in a final.. shut the fuck up and get ur shit straight son

ArneGaming says:


rizotaZ grahom says:

i cant understand why u all saying ronaldo and real madrid are the best.if they wuld be the best, then i dont know why did barcelona win? 😀

Lytone Kanowa says:

Messi has again messed the 'chosen one'! Great game Barca.

MegaDobar says:


RockMuzika says:

Totalna dominacija.

chibifirestorm says:

Messi is on another planet to Ronaldo, there isn't a debate anymore and Real Madrid are classless, hacking Barca players down at the end of the match, espcially Sergio Ramos

123321 123321 says:

whether commentator dies ? listening him 90 minutes will be worse than hell

Maja Marinkovic says:


shankar KS says:

@stevennnbeat777 yeah.. am a madrid fan.. but i have to accept this.. :'( barca raped madrid last night..

shankar KS says:

i am a real madrid fan.. but i should accept this. barca raped madrid.. from the first minute to the 90th minute, barca had full control over the match… they played very well as a team… win or lose i will support madrid forever 😛 congrats barca

madass888 says:

lol Real. Have seen worst teams putting up a way better fight. Real should've played counter football, like with inter.

ribbedtr0jan says:

@chitochiismeh you really cant compare the 2. they play 2 different styles and 2 different positions but compliment themselves excellent. Xavi is the heart and soul of Barca and the guy who distributes the ball. They are both the best at what they do. The Barca midfield controlled possession 67% to 33%. Real was lost. The tactical change of Ozil for Diarra completely backfired cuz they could not control the midfield, where barca just owns.

The Los Angeles Tottenham Hotspur Supporters Club. says:


HDZ555 says:

Barca: Mas que un Club!!!

Esteban Avila says:

damn…barcelona is #1 baby.
messi is a freakin beast!!!!!!

Omar Pirtskhelava says:

Shame Real Madrid

colliehauls says:

@TudonJaime I agree. Ronaldo has the ultimate dribbling skills, but Messi is the better team player.

Carlos Pinto says:

Ronaldo no vale tres tiras de monda empujo a guardila eso no lo hace un jugador profesional ese man es marica

Jaime Tudon says:

Ronaldo may have more goals then Messi right now but 4 of Ronaldo's goals are from penalties while all of Messi's are actual goals not just given goals

DJ MAGIC 502 says:

Shaeedosheed i like that jaja

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