AC Milan vs Tottenham (Direttastadio 7Gold)

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Itailian show Direttastadio 7Gold


Joe O'Donnell says:

This is brilliant why isn't sky sports like this

elevat1on says:

Love his passion, and would certainly feel sorry for him.. if it wasnt for the fact that I'm a Tottenhan-fan. lol 🙂

AHK786PK says:

shampooo noooooooo

Luke Higgins says:

Bias prick, COYS!!!!

FacaZD says:

i know his feelings… 🙁
that was goal..
Milan played Tot win

theSPUDereHD says:

hes in that betting advert now aint he? lmfao

MrFrani1717 says:

@ocelot20 ha ha imagine that…

Stand Behind The Yellow Line says:

Damn I wish I could see what he was like during the 2005 Champions League final lol.

Aizen Sama says:

2:23 "die, die die!!" loooool

jjune3279 says:

somebody pls!! educate their chairman and this guy!!

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