Real Madrid – AX Armani Exchange Milan Highlights | Turkish Airlines EuroLeague, RS Round 14

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Real Madrid rallied from double-digits deficits at home to defeat AX Armani Exchange Milan 76-67 and extend its winning streak to nine games as Anthony Randolph had 16 points.


Euroleague Basketball (EB) is a global leader in the sports and entertainment business, devoted to running the top European competitions of professional basketball clubs under a unique and innovative organizational model. Owned and administered by some of the most successful and historic clubs in the world, EB manages and organizes the continent’s two premier men’s basketball competitions, the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague and the 7DAYS EuroCup, as well as the sport’s premier under-18 showcase, the EB Adidas Next Generation Tournament.
The EB competitions bring the elite of European basketball to all five continents and to the entire sports community through the OTT platform EuroLeague TV. EB also organizes a series of community and educational programs. Its ground-breaking corporate social responsibility program One Team features all EB clubs that have already made a difference in the lives of over 19,000 participants. Its Sports Business MBA trains future professionals in sports management.

About One Team
One Team, Euroleague Basketball’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, supported by Turkish Airlines as the One Team Founding Patron and with the collaboration of Special Olympics as Proud Partner, uses basketball to achieve real social impact in our communities. With an innovative model of interconnectedness across an entire continent, Euroleague Basketball and its clubs have developed a complete CSR program that brings together activities from each team in an integrated, impactful way, working under the theme of “community integration”. Each participating club develops a specific One Team project tailored to its own community needs to benefit groups in danger of exclusion due to problems such as substance abuse and gender, physical or intellectual disability. Since its founding in 2012, the One Team program has reached already directly and indirectly 19,000 participants through its various team projects.


razorblade music-games says:

incredible referee accistance!!!

FST Highlights says:


Nova Sink says:

Final four:
Real Madrid
Anadolu Efes
Maccabi Tel Aviv

Nova Sink says:

I don't know why but I find Milano so irritating.

Onur Vardal says:

As always good handling by referees . Money can buy everytime..

Filip says:

LOL how they pronounce Micov hahhaha

A. Graikos says:

I was there 🙂 Such a nice feeling 🙂

repsol3 says:

Partiamo dal presupposto che i ladri madrileni sono forti,rooster infinito,se poi gli viene concesso tutto su entrambi i lati del campo…adios!
Tornando a noi, Olimpia,ho finito gli aggettivi dispregiativi…
È passata mezza stagione e vedo solo down….

Christian Lanach says:

Real Madrid vs Anadolu Efes
Coming soon.. ?

Neymar Huu mmm says:


Manuelfp24 López Sánchez says:

Increíble el partido de todo el equipo, pero sobre todo, destacar la actuación de Campazzo y Randolph, muy bien equipo, este es el camino. Hala Madrid!!!⚪⚪??

pedro losada hernandez says:

Estamos imparables en casa, a seguir con esta dinámica en euroliga que ya van 9 victorias seguidas⚪⚪

Alejandro Juan Losada says:

Hemos mejorado a tiempo y sumamos una victoria más en cada frente a un rival difícil. HALA MADRID!!!⚪⚪????

Phet Tumbling says:

Luis Scola showin' Anthony Randolph that he has still "asim" in competitive basketball. ?

Labeling agent says:

Good game Milan, but RM is just too good. Micov is in form of his life, Kokoskov get him back to serbian national team ! 🙂

William Thomas says:

Ok, there's no doubt for me anymore : Campazzo is my favorite player. What a playmaker ! And he also is a great defender. I'm not a Madrid fan but I'm gonna watch their games to see this little (1,81m, dwarf!) argentinian magician 🙂 + he seems really nice

Ivi 0440 says:

Hala madrid

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