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محمد القرني says:

?*00212.649.665.722* *whatapps*?
شــبــاب?‍♂️ لاحـظـت كــثــيــر كــومــنــتــات عـن تــكــبــيــر الــقــضــيــب وضـعـف الانـتـصـاب وســرعــة الـقـذف
ولا يــهــمــك? تـواصـلـو مـع الــدكــتــور?‍⚕️ الـلـي نــصــحــنــي بــوصــفــة اســتــعــمــلــتــهــا كــم أســبــوع وحـصـلـت عــلــى نـتـايـج مـذهـلـة??
الـلـي عـايـز الــدكــتــور?‍⚕️ يـتـواصـل مــعــه الـواتـسـاب ?*00212.649.665.722* *whatapps*?

JustItalianGaming says:

This vid is so shit lol

Mario Margjini says:

Sensi 77??
Sensi should be 80-81

ahmed ayman says:

i would recommend you only stick to pl and barca/madrid because you know jack shit about inter. d'ambrosio is at least 80, sensi 82 handaovic 90, brozo 83-84 and martinez 82. just stick to your plastic football.

AleDGT Music says:

Sensi 79
Asamoah 80

Giovanni Gori says:

Prima di fare predizioni a caso guardati un partita

Nicola D'Amore says:

??Giudizio sbagliato ?? wrong judgment

ThsShadow troopers says:

Handanovic 90
Skriniar 88
De vrij 85
Godin 88
Rannocia 75
Bastoni 73
Dambrosio 81
Asahmoa 78
Lazaro 78
Candreva 78-80
Politano 83
Biraghi 79
Brozovic 83
Vecino 77
Gagliardini 78
Barella 80
Sensi 80
Lautaro 82
Lukaku 87
Sanchez 84
Esposito 72
Valero 76
Padelli 72
Serge milinkovic savic 86

Frenkies says:

No sense lukaku-1 and Godin-1

yellow-beard 04 says:

Che idiota fai a lavorare che nn sai fare un cazzi

Luca Dintrono says:

Bro serious? Those overall? I invite you to see the season of Inter and not to say numbers without any information

Zenit says:

Handanovich should be 89… i'm Interista, but nice video! ??

Federica Guercilena says:

E poi lautaro 80

Jonathan Bertone says:

Perché metti a Lukaku – 1 ovellor??????!!!!? Sei stupid

francesco villa says:

Sensi almeno 83 è una bestiaaaa

Peppe Palladino says:

Lukaku uguale a icardi? Toro almeno 82 o 83 e D'Ambrosio secondo me un 80/81 lo meritava

Michele Battistini says:

Sensi only 61 of pace??? Are you fucking kidinng me mann????

Giorgio Colletta says:

Why lukaku -1 wtff

giacomo gugiatti says:

Sensi!!!!! Lautaro!!!!

francesco menozzi says:

Stop call inter inter milan is internazionale

Moham Safin says:

D'ambrosio +2

Gabriele Marzano says:

Dambrosio is getting atleast 80

Raffaele De Paolis says:

Alessandro bastoni?

Andrea Grasso says:

Brozovic 83

Marco Malinconico says:

Skriniar 67 passing

Paulo Santos says:

Nice but i think Brozo deserves 83, Asamoah 80, Vecino 81 and D'ambrosio 79

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