Zlatan Ibrahimovic ● Welcome Back to AC Milan ● 2019/20 ⚫️?

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Zlatan Ibrahimovic AC Milan, Zlatan Ibrahimovic Milan 2019, Zlatan Ibrahimovic Milan 2019/2020, Zlatan Ibrahimovic AC Milan 2019/20
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#ZlatanIbrahimovic #ACMilan #Ibrahimovic

Check out: Jadon Sancho 2019 ● Dribbling Skills, Goals & Assists ● 2018/2019 https://youtu.be/MPE-whvvwZs

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Luis Alejandro Rivera Herrera says:


Daniel Mamară says:

Cănd dracu faci ca Milan sā câştige?

Cęsąr OMĞ says:

Zlatan is one of the best in the world but unfortunately if there is something that does not forgive is time … we will see that Zlatan has us for this season in Milan

Rubro-Negro HD says:

Brabo ele. Podia vim pro Flamengo

sindhu2030 sindhu says:

Zlatian Ibrahimovic skills are amazing that elastico for psg was super

Just A Gamer says:

AC Milan didn't welcome Zlatan
ZLATAN welcomed AC Milan

xXPRiiiMe SKillzZzXx says:

CR7 vs The Only One Zlatan

turino ik says:

Forza zlatan!!!!

turino ik says:

He is 40 years old.

Supernova says:

He does not need to win Ballon D’or to prove his crown. Ibracadabra ✨

Breh Breh says:

The beat player in world football ??

RuvaRoyale - Gaming says:

Fun Fact: Zlatan used to play for AC Milan

Simone Moratti says:

Spero che Ibra faccia ancora miracoli, anche se ha ormai 38 anni. Ci serve un campione come lui per vincere?le competizioni importanti, proprio come un tempo, quando i diavoli? vincevano la UCL. Voglio assolutamente che il Milan arrivi a posizionarsi almeno 3/4 per sperare ancora. Speriamo di tornare a vincere i derby e le partite di serie A importanti quindi vs Napoli, Juve, …
Forza Ibra, e forza Milan forse si ritorna a vincere le più importanti coppe ??

Akrep Bey says:

This year Ronaldo Vs İbrahimoviç

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