AC Milan | L'arrivo di Seedorf a San Siro (with subtitles)

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Clarence Seedorf è arrivato a San Siro durante l’ottavo di finale di Coppa Italia tra Milan e Spezia: ‘Provo emozione e senso del dovere, speriamo di fare belle cose perché abbiamo sofferto abbastanza. Ho sentito Kakà e speriamo di rifare delle belle cose assieme’.

The arrival of Clarence Seedorf at the San Siro Stadium: ‘I feel emotional’


yuu Milano says:

We gave ALLEGRI 4 fuckin years
The worst coach we ever had what you think our legend seedorf
He will finish his contract forza Milan

अनिश् says:

Forza Milan!! Clarence Seedorffffff

mytubesaigonvn says:

Seedorf may have difficulties ahead of him but it'd be normal since he is new to the manager role. But one thing is certain, he is so intelligent and excellent in using his words. Allegri is stupid and boring that everytime he talks before and after the game he's always saying "we need to improve". Allegri prefers so many workers in his team that makes Milan lacks the flair and creativeness. And this is the frightening truth: in the first half of the 2012-13 season Allegri had never used the same pair of central defenders in 2 consecutive games. He played different central defenders in every game! So stupid!

Stefano D'Ambrosio says:

"Credo che tutti quanti abbiano sofferto abbastanza"

Paolo Rossi says:

un grande calciatore,ma sopratutto un grande uomo!!! DAJE  CLARENCE 

Leslie Chung says:

Inzaghi must be so disappointed….

astio8 says:

Bentornato Clarence….WIN FOR US!

mimmo leon says:

sono sicuro che farai bene  professore

luigi bestetti says:

Dai willy rialzalo sto milan!

Cool Power says:

Well Come back big man please bring jorginho thanx

cosimo cinieri says:

e' come paragonare la lana con la seta…forza clarence non vedevo l'ora che esoneravano acciuga allegri!!!buon lavoro MISTER

Massimo Robbiani says:


Harman S says:

The Legends is Back….. HOME!  FORZA MILAN

Nihilus Sion says:

I liked him a lot as a player but i dont know if he can handle coaching such a big club.I hope he can make the decisions we expect to be made,like selling matri,bonera and all other players who are simply draining our money without any positive influence.Not optimistic about the future after all that's happened but we'll see.

john francioski says:

Suma leccaculo!!!!

Samuele Cognolato Aspirante Conduttore says:

portaci in europa

Samuele Cognolato Aspirante Conduttore says:

forza clarence

Casciavit says:

grande seedorf!!!

Rafa Torres says:

please clarence help us.

Phenomicul says:

Fuck Allegri, so glad to see him replaced by the god he forced out 2 years ago.

Danilo Vitrò says:

In poche parole Tassotti in 48 ore ha fatto quello che non ha mai fatto Allegri in 4 anni.
Buon lavoro a Clarence, magari i risultati non arriveranno subito ma sono sicuro che la grinta, la passione che saprà trasmettere col tempo daranno i suoi frutti, siamo con te!


NumisVidz says:

good to see him as the new manager… and if the team has a bad game he might as well put his old jersey on and play 😛

TheLolloloo says:

Grande Clarence! Ci sei mancato!

PrinceWarrior92 says:

hai detto bene Clarence abbiamo sofferto abbastanza… 

Paul James Connelly says:

love this guy , hope he can stay with the club for many years to come and we can get back to the old milan days again ..

fake man says:

Si ma metti giù sta mano.

Gennaro Canfora says:

Bentornato a casa Proff!!! ♥

Giulia Ambrosini says:

Bentornato Clarence!


GRANDE SEEDORF – a man with heart!

hasss95 says:

save milan !

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