Florian Neuhaus ● Welcome to AC Milan ● Skills, Tackles, Passes & Goals ⚫?

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Florian Neuhaus AC Milan 2019/20, Florian Neuhaus Milan 2019, Florian Neuhaus Milan, Florian Neuhaus 2019/2020 AC Milan, Florian Neuhaus AC Milan
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#FlorianNeuhaus #ACMilan #Neuhaus

Check out: Jadon Sancho 2019 ● Dribbling Skills, Goals & Assists ● 2018/2019 https://youtu.be/MPE-whvvwZs

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#FlorianNeuhaus #ACMilan #Neuhaus
Florian Neuhaus ● Welcome to AC Milan ● Skills, Tackles, Passes & Goals ⚫?

ar ka says:

the new Marco Reus

Co Enzo says:

This "kid" is good. Really good!

Alifito Akmal says:

Best choice dfb to change kimmich in CDM, after that kimmich back to his position RB

Zico Lassman says:

Is he a CDM or CM

Andrei says:

He has a lot of potential

marc saliba says:

Lol he's not going anywhere

Arty Sagastizado says:

Is this legit?

francesco mantovan says:

se vi va ho scritto un articolo su cesena milan dateci un'occhiata sul mio blog mantovanfrancesco.blogspot.com

Urifah Siti says:

Forsa Milano………good luck

Aldo Di Russo says:

Esaltati dappertutto

Ronny Quatre says:

His playing style is not like Kaka, but surely he is a good player and i would love to see him in the Milan shirt

maurizio moccia says:

Speriamo bene….

Gilson Alves says:

I think this kid got lots of potential!!
Saw bit of Kaka & Lampard, that's a fierce combo!!!
Better this kid than Hakan & Suso or even Andre Silva!

R Kun says:

???New House???

Ameixa says:

New Kaká ? LMAO he dont run with the ball he just make some tricks

Yehmed Abdrahmen says:

?????????? Nice

Mohammad Nopriyanto says:

Rui Costa the next

Tiago Henriques says:


Wellyton de Lima Jacinto says:


LucaRM says:

Magari venisse, sembra davvero davvero un ottimo talento, già ora superiore a tantissimi centrocampisti in serie A.
Duttile, tecnico, intelligente e veloce di pensiero e di giocata. Gran video, grazie per averlo fatto!

Ac Milan Video says:

Fenomeno incredibile ccezzionale

Danzo serve sempre says:

Start putting the name of the songs in description

Miquéias Da Silva Pereira says:

Music 1 name ?

Miquéias Da Silva Pereira says:

Uau , nice nice . ??

NInja Warrior says:

Questo è na Spada ma magari viene

Walid Milan says:

Thank you bro ❤️

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