Welcome to another episode in the FIFA 17 Career Mode Rebuilding challenge series! The whole objective of this rebuilding challenge is to see how many seasons it takes through simulation and transfer business to qualify for a Champions League final, it’ll then be up to us to put our skills to the test and see if we can complete the job! For today’s installment of the series we are going to be rebuilding AC Milan! Make sure you leave a like if you enjoyed the video and want to see more 🙂
►Vote for the team we rebuild next: http://www.strawpoll.me/12336835
►Subscribe Today: http://bit.ly/1IBXGSh
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►Snapchat: JarradHD
#FIFA17 #FIFA17CareerMode
Reading through your feedback it seems you aren't fans of the time limit rule! Will take it out for the next episode, really appreciate the feedback 🙂 Also a quick apology for the lack of uploads over the past week, was on holidays and had issues with my editing software when i was trying to prepare videos for whilst i was away! Should be back to normal now!
Hello to all of you,i know its been 2 and a half years since this video had been released??,but if anyone accidentaly starts reading comments and sees mine,i would really like to know what is the name of the song at the beginnig of the champions league final.Thank you in advance.?
What is your favorite team
stop cursing
rebuild brazil
Rebuild the Chilean national team please
Ipswich rebuild
Hey,Jarrad I'd just like to let you know I rate you incredibly highly on YouTube you should definitely continue this amazing content you have been putting up on YouTube lately.Have a good one mate
Is this the only time you've lost the rebuild?
do forrest green
Just leave it
what about Dendoncker and tiliermans