The reason why some AC Milan fans hate Paolo Maldini | Oh My Goal

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Paolo Maldini was an AC Milan LEGEND. But the fans of AC Milan never loved Paolo Maldini the same way they loved Kaka or Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Why did the AC Milan fans hate Paolo Maldini?

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raymond mendez says:

people confuse " the Ultras " with the rest of Milan's fan … Maldine will be hero for thousand of Milan"s fans

maurem says:

To call those few that insulted Maldini in more than one occasion fans, which could be easily confused with the massive majority who love him, is just plain wrong.

Edmont Dantes says:

These ultra's are so full of themselves it's a joke. (You see them at every big club not just Milan). They consider themselves a vital part of the club, but in actuality cost the club money since they get fines and extra security costs because of them

They demand succes, but will never take personal responsibility when the team loses, rather they will blame the team and staff and take it out on them.
Maldini was right to not respect these twats.

Mind you I am not talking about the average Milan supporter, just Ultra's in general.

Kane Kane says:

Tbf, they should never lose that match, pure arrogance.

Karl Bts says:

but MALDINI wins 5 times the champions league with AC MILAN

Jose Garcia says:

I can see why maldini had no respect for them, they are racist pricks….not all but a lot of them….its like get a life is this what the world has come to this is this it my people are like this…..fuck's sake, we're just kicking a goddam ball around here

ItsMoi Moí says:

The fans are shit

Ridzuan Salleh says:

The most stupid ultras in the world i could say. Just stupid. Know nothing bout football. Idiot. Make noise, no talent.

Hugh Morrin says:

I hate gerrard now because of rangers

Garry Johnston says:

No true Milan Supporter could ever hate a Maldini, the man is a Legend.,. Milan4ever.

Kevin Saver says:

0:15 Ibra hated in Malmo ?!?

Ps: i love ibra , is sad to see a player like him hated so much in his home country


Common mass = HEADLESS monsters
Rightly said by Chaplin.

Cameron Hill says:

3:31 "flash out"

Keyzar 22 says:


Two legends that never be forggotten

Farid Joaquin says:

A Legendary Player

A shitty GM

MrAppomatox says:

Dumbest video ever

Amber Dehariya says:

we don't hate him


Best defender after ramos

M MMM says:

Lazzy man who do not rick anything for Milan

jordan says:

Turned this off as soon as he called 'Totti' Tatti

Francesco Severi says:

Ac Milan fans love the Paolo Maldini player, but not the technical director, however Paolo is one of the best defenders in the history of football and the ac Milan know this and they love him (I hope everything is correct cause I'm italian)

Rully Fachrl says:

Stupid video. Never heard people hate him. Really stupid

bayu mantari says:

And they said Real Madrid fans hates their stars.

Sammy Rayachhetri says:

he is a legend and you should respect him

M E says:

Due to the nature of my work, I've lived in 8 City's over the past 15 years. In all these city's I've watched Serie A football almost every week. Not one Milan fan has anything but solid words for Paolo Maldini. They love him to bits. This video is just an exaggeration. The ultras have a problem with anyone anyway.

Audi Azham says:

They"ll always a few assholes that makes the ultras names dirty, shame on them.

Izabela Gilzynska says:


Ross L says:

Maldini should of comforted the ultras after the final but instead he walked straight by them onto the team bus. This is unforgivable in the eyes of the ultras. He was a great player and servant for Milan but his loyalty was never tested. He came in at the same time Berlusconi bought the club and ushered in a golden generation that lasted 20 years. Compare this to Franco Baresi who went down with Milan twice to Serie B and weighted out the hard times with the club he loved.

Also, in the Baresi era – in 11 seasons from 85 to 95 the average goals conceded was 23.

Maldini was the captain without Baresi – 1998 to 2008 the average goals conceded was 34.
Baresi conceded less goals when it was his defence as he was simply a better leader and defender. A difference of conceding 11 goals a season could be the difference between winning the title and finishing outside the top 3. And you can’t tell me Baresi had better teammates as Nesta and Cafu were both better than Tassoti and Costacurta.

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