You first. Sick of seeing idiots like you on the internet who know nothing about football, coming and saying 'Milan should sign this guy or that guy'. It's not FIFA13 or Football Manager, it doesn't work like that in real life. And sell Boateng and get some kid from a shit U21 team? Idiocy. You never sell someone during a slump, you sell them at their peak, knowing they will slump or get injured!
Some of our players had a poor game but we had lots of chances and it should have been a draw. Remember City are so strong and can beat an Serie A side. I don't think Milan want to spend big money any more like in the old days. Maybe we need new owners like an Arab or Russian would spend like Chelsea, City, PSG, Real and Monaco do.
this match was the downfall of Milan…
5-0 at 35 !!
We didn t have half of our retrguard that day…but el sharawy mamma mia!
el shaarawy!!!!!!
almeno 2 dei gol che abbiamo preso sono stati colpa di amelia
ANDDDDDDDDDD balotelli gets injured -.-
except muntari, the rest of players mentioned above are useless…especially prince boateng
i agree with you about traore,antonini,emanuelson and zaccardo but not muntari and boating
grande petagna
we've got a convict as our president, a stupid fuck as a coach. we are definitely determined to be doomed
Navas is really a big deal
Milan Neads a good DEfender
You first. Sick of seeing idiots like you on the internet who know nothing about football, coming and saying 'Milan should sign this guy or that guy'. It's not FIFA13 or Football Manager, it doesn't work like that in real life. And sell Boateng and get some kid from a shit U21 team? Idiocy. You never sell someone during a slump, you sell them at their peak, knowing they will slump or get injured!
He had a bad year.
Saponara will play behind Balotelli and El Shaarawy: Poli / De Jong / Montolivo – Saponara – Balotelli / El Shaarawy, hope so 🙂
Boateng should never leave, he is a very good player and his longshot is amazing. So what if he played bad this time,everybody has a bad day.
why Emanuelson ?? Amelia , Muntari , Boateng , Traore and Antonini OUT !
Amelia should definitely be on that list
Some of our players had a poor game but we had lots of chances and it should have been a draw. Remember City are so strong and can beat an Serie A side. I don't think Milan want to spend big money any more like in the old days. Maybe we need new owners like an Arab or Russian would spend like Chelsea, City, PSG, Real and Monaco do.
no, boateng and emanuelson needs to go!