First Signings Announced! | AC MILAN NEWS

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Franck Kessie and Riccardo Rodriguez are set to become AC Milan’s first signings under the new ownership. Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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kaka abamos 8 milan boy says:

Milan should be going sleepless of not signing belotti or morata plus Cesc Fabregas signing of these players will be a competitive. Squad promise

PowerVoltaire says:

Mussachio and Kessie. Next to buy Dolberg or Belotti and Keita. 😀

Rizky Priambodo says:

mussachio,rodriguez,conti,kessie,fabregas,badelj and striker
donnarumma stay!

Ali Gashi says:

any chance of selling or sending Bertolacci on loan? so we can recoup some of the money sent to Roma

Ali Gashi says:

Glad the medical has been completed by Mustacchio. Do you think Milan will look to priortize Midfielders over any other position since it looks like their formation for next year will be 3-5-2? also, do you see next year starting defenders will be Romagnoli-Mustacchio-Paletta with Rodriguez and Abate as wing backs?

Aleksandar Karadakoski says:

Kessie is not quite good for Milan.
When will be new contract extension Donnaruma?

Jark Revik says:

Want a good striker? Milan should sign Angel Correa from Atletico Madrid. Another good midfield to pair with Kessie? Sign William Carvalho from Sporting. Need a good rb for succeding Abate? Sign Serge Aurier from PSG if possible if not sign Coleman or Emil Hysaj if possible or pereira from nice

NexxtGenCapo says:

I'd like to see Mariano and isco , James or fabregas at milan

martin lift says:

i must say ricardo rodriguez is a fantastic signing! i cant understand a club like man city dont have approached him because ofo their need of a full back!

nicolas gonzalez says:

Need for wingers deulofeu and ocampos leaving

jonasgi says:

Nice Signings!!! Any news on a permanent signing with Deulofeu?

v Berger says:

thoughts on donnarumma s contract issues? Fo you think he will wear a Milan jersey next year

Yung M3R says:

could there be a swap bacca plus 45 million for aubumayang


Luca modric has joined ac milan instagram account… is that a sign that he might join hahaha "money hungry players"

Milan need to stop and think before they start signing players left and right and copy other money spending teams that have not

made any impact. I think we are jumping to quick in the transfer market in my opinion and already spending

60 million from the funds. One thing that impressed me is that we started building

back line which is milan's theme a solid unbreakable defense. After building the back-line we should start looking for the

number 10 players and in my opinion I think the only player that could fill that void and would be the best addition to start the

Milan is James Rodriguez.

Euro Scouter says:

Geo what do you think about the new kit?

giavo says:

We need 2 top Midfielders and then Belotti or Morata

bryan soto says:

We need to still sell off dead wood too that should raise funds

Erik Rios says:

If they Sell Some Players Will that money be added to there budget? Or Is FIFA Restrictions Preventing them?

neclord 88 says:

if we can't get Conte l would go for zappacosta, incredible engine

fiacreativity1991 says:

Tielemans is my dream signing for Milan

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