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In this video, I predicted the FIFA 20 AC Milan players ratings.
#FIFA20 #acmilan #piatek #bakayoko #suso #predictions #FIFA19 #mxd21


Wee Mun says:

Imagine thinking Lucas Biglia is better than Bakayoko

TrickyHunter says:

Loved this video, AC Milan is my favourite team in the world

Simone Cai says:

lol musacchio 89 pac

Sergio Negrete J. says:

Piatek 82 or 83

CqUchiha says:

Bakayoko 84 he's a beast!
Zapata 80
Romagnoli one of the best defenders at the moment, at least 85
Cutrone 79
Calabria 79
You did Cutrone twice lol
Piatek 82 at least
Borini is playing really well at least 79
Musacchio = 80
Castielljo 81? Do you even watch his games? 83 is perfect.
Are you from Germany?

Jake Paul is my dad says:

I love these ratings a lot, but u forgot Donnarumma…??

Gotta change the name in 90 days says:

Piatek deserves 82 or 83

SportsMadness says:

Suso is amazing bro ????

Ced8444 says:

Rodriguez deserves a -1, he played like shit this season

BorussiaDortmund says:

Bakayoko should be 82, but 81 is fair enough ?

Football is everything says:

Piatek 80 is the perfect rating for him ?????

Marcinho 21 says:

Nice mate, I just can't wait for Bayern Munich & BVB players ratings predictions ???

Cristof says:

cutrone 78???? :/

MXD 21 says:

Thank u guys for watching this video, a like would mean a lot! Next, Bayern Munich ?
*Sorry guys, I forgot Donnarumma. He deserves a +1

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