Fifa 20 Squad Builder Showdown AC MILAN KAKA!!!! Day #2 of Lockdown

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Today we are doing it on the icon now converted back to his AC milan card. A legend of the game but still won’t cut it back to some rando in South London.
Check out the first episode of the lockdown on Andy’s channel:
#Fifa20 #SBSD
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Po Han Su says:

Strakhosha is so broken on this game

Lucas Whelan says:

James please test Andy for Coronavirus please

Anthony Younes says:

All countries got coronavirus eventually…
But China got it right off the bat

Brian Murray says:

I know your a doctor and i respect what you are doing for not the uk but the world and this could sound bad if you make ut that way but quiet a few people try and get away with whats happening in the world right now so we go on YouTube to watch things and creators they love just for them to be talking about it too

wolfe family says:

I aint sayin she's a Goldaniga…

Marc 4 says:

I have an 11 nation Hybrid . Handanovic Tomiyasu Moore Roberto Carlos Capa Milinkovic Savic Thorsby Politano Sanchez Muriel and Trezeguet

Mr Fingerblast says:

James Do you own a alfa Romeo by any chance ?

teddy wheatley says:

30:10 anyone recognise the reference lmao andy ffs ??

Ciaran O Leary says:

I wonder what James thinks about his race of people giving us the Coronavirus by eating bats??????


Slap an engine on Socrates and you’ll have yourself an ambulance ?

milan says:

i actually love the chemistry between these guys

The GOAT says:

Did James change formation in game??

Yassin El Agamy says:

I was dead on the floor when I saw gold nigga ??

Frazer Donachie says:

he is just not saving the world against covid-19 but he is also here to give good content to us all. LEGEND.

Dylan 06 says:

Andy you should make a video playing warzone like so he can see

Alex Vukovic says:

manolas is from greece not uruaguy wtf lol

macklinicker says:

being a doctor in this pandemic has really lowered james's fifa skills , i swear he was slapping andy in every squad builder showdown

Duncan French says:

When Andy showed us his CBs and gk when he did the coughing montage

Manchester United says:

My YouTube channel has only existed for 6 months ???

Joe Anderson says:

This just proves how much of a lad he is: works as a doctor, does sbsd with AJ3?? top lad

Distant Button57 says:

What do you specialise in doctory James?

Luke Morris says:

Manolas is Greek….

Dan Costello says:

Big up Andy for not stitching James up with the CB guess

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