Milan vs. Liverpool: Watch the 2005 Champions League Final Classic

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Do you believe in miracles? Milan went into the 2005 Champions League final as strong favourites and at half-time everything was going to plan. But then, ‘The Miracle of Istanbul’ happened.

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Thimal de Alwis says:

Wish you would've shown ET in its entirety!! But otherwise kudos for bringing an all-time classic to Youtube for the fans!!

Tony Zhao says:

Goodnight for Liverpool

An hour later


morningstar says:

back in the day when the goalkeeper could run & pick the ball before it was kicked.

Emmanuel Enyinwa says:

Man! That Milan team was so STACKED! Dida, Maldini, Nesta, Cafu, Gattuso, Sedorf, Kaka, Pirlo, Crespo, Shevchenko!! If this was a boxing match, they would be in different weight classes.

Jared Vock says:

Cisse is a real cisse with that haircut

Accordion ARMY says:

Pirlo did everything right except for that penalty kick.

Sayon Chakraborty says:

Next time 2006 Champions League final

arkan jumani says:

Was it not a rule back then to be on the line when the shot is taken bc dudek was miles off it

Jude Barton says:

How about that save on Alonso's penalty though…

Jorge Herrera says:

11:54 “Lovely from Gattuso” that’s Kaká.

whomanbeing says:

I watched this game when I lived in Venice Beach, so kick off was around noon local time. I was so friggin gutted and angry at half time I was close to just leaving our apartment to get out to the beach and sun to avoid any more pain. Obviously glad I stuck with it, but I always wonder how I’d have felt if I did leave, only to find out result upon return.

Arvindh Mani says:

1:05:09 mad skillz there from Carra

Miguel Solis says:

Look at those sad Liverpool fans. Poor bastards.

Miguel Solis says:

That Milan team is so stacked and are up by three. Their defense is impregnable.

Sulay Saha says:

the worst commentary I have ever heaard

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