What’s up guys, so as I’ll explain in this video, there’s been a few problems with my editing software so I will be streaming this episode. I got two more episodes of the AC Milan Career Mode in FIFA 17, but no way to edit them just yet. So I’ll stream the start of this new season and so where we’ll go from here 🙂
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Thank you for watching! 🙂
– The Nobz
All that build up just so i can see him loose smh
lack on crossing pass and through pass
Dude make your videos 10:00mimute
j gimenez is good cb
j gimenez is good cb
U have a good player and that problem is not about ur strategy or ur player is about u man, u can't handle better, so i hope u be better
"I woke up 20 minutes ago"- said 24 minutes into stream
I enjoy watching your videos but it would be better if u use a 4213 formation for ac Milan.
How on earth can you not start De Sciglio? But you're starting Abate over him? #Damn #LOL
Lobato has way more potencial
Oh and for CB, Marquinhos, Alderweild or Jose fonte
Happy birthday!!!
Also in terms of getting a striker/midfielder, get Welbeck/Kondogbia/Wilshere.
Based on my experience with these players in PES 16, these players' OPR grew exponentially during the 2nd season (Welbeck – 89, Kondogbia – 88, Wilshere – 88). It was ridiculous, especially with Welbeck. Every time he was on the ball, the AI defenders couldn't get the ball off him. It was ridiculous. Plus his shooting stats were comparable to that of aguero/suarez etc. It's bizarre :/
I understand Kondogbia is a no-no because he's an Inter player (FORZA INTER), but it's worth purchasing these players!!!
Happy birthday:))))
how do you feel about Milan beating juventus
adam streams… gets notification.. gets happy… sees its pes.. i cry everytime lol