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FIFA 17 Career Mode with AC Milan! Season 2 Episode 8!
Make sure to follow me on Snapchat: canisports
In this FIFA 17 Career Mode we take on AC Milan and start a project to get AC Milan to be one of Europes Best Teams once again.
I really hope all of you are just as excited as I am about all the new additions into the Career Mode videos which are going to be making these videos much more entertaining and a lot more interactive!

If you have any further suggestions for Transfers, Changes in the Starting Line-up or any changes for the videos please leave your comments down below!

Subscribe for more FIFA 17 Content including Ultimate Team soon!

Difficulty: Legendary
Sliders for CPU enhanced to make them better:
Shot Error: 30
Pass Error: 40
Goalkeeper Ability: 55
First Touch Error: 30


Emil J says:

my record transfer was with dolberg. i paid 40 million to get him and sold him to manu for a whopping 108 million. He wanted to move away from ac milan and that the only reason i sold him.

Alex Fokas says:

Does anyone know what camesa is he using

Marverick Squad says:

It will count

Gaming Boy says:

change donnarumma number to 1

Anastasia Goonerette says:

and can I its Manolás .. give emphasis at a …. not Manólas
…manolás (that's how we call it in Greece)

Anastasia Goonerette says:

cani I don't think its from your defence .. you need to relax mate just don't play FIFA at all for a day and play an other game … I do this when I don't perform(it works for me)

Austrias next Gen says:

#City 3-2 lose (am a huge city fan)

Joe Andrei says:

Shouldn't have gone with manolas so overused

Sverre Knardal says:

Buy Kasper Dolberg

Marko Carku says:

#verona 0-2 win
#city 1-0 loss
#juventus 1-1 draw

Tatjana Bogojevic says:

#forfeit sim second leg against man. city

Khalil Nini says:

#verona 4-0 win
#city 2-1 loss
#juve 2-0 win

Matthew Plays FIFA says:

#Verona 3-1 Win
#City 2-0 Win
#Juve 3-0 lose

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