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I’m using Real Madrid. This match was an uphill struggle after something happens! 🙁


I suck at minecraft :P says:

you suck he the second best in the world bitch

Kiley Fletcher says:

c. ronaldo sucks

igeroque says:

C.Ronaldo goal in min 69. LOL

Mohd Zailee says:

i hate to say this because i like this game..but in pes 13, when i dribble with c.ronaldo, it looks really like him..same goes to ibrahimovic or messi..even steven gerrard..too bad pes never makes feint as easy as in fifa..every game got flaws..n who cares

MrDdb101 says:

How to defend against real madrid players: contain cr7

Eh_Yo BIGMAN says:

dude u play well but for me u dont know how to score.

Eh_Yo BIGMAN says:

i agree with u bro

999 says:

wow ronaldo made all the goals there

999 says:

at 8:11 that would of been a goal

999 says:

messi is the best player in the world 😀

AhmedCool says:

lol you know what i changed to fifa now really pes is shit but ea steals money!!!!

Zach Millman says:

Pes. The game that makes me puke.

Nickii Costa says:

Fuck you Silly Boy fuckin hater

AhmedCool says:

pes is better

rid pvp says:

Sweaty cunt winner.

B3nLov3Ch3lSeA says:

defensive damn fucking noob!!! n why u keep passing? y don u dribble? noob! ==

Patrick says:

that's fckn x

Cruz Corral says:

shit was terrible

Cruz Corral says:

fucking 123

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