The reason why Zlatan Ibrahimović decided to return to AC Milan | Oh My Goal

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Why did Zlatan Ibrahimovic go back to AC Milan? Zlatan Ibrahimovic has made his return to AC Milan while the club is far from the level it possessed during its glory days. What pushed Zlatan to return to the Rossoneri? Money? Love? Pride? Discover the reasons why Zlatan Ibrahimovic decided to return to AC Milan in this video.


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Oh My Goal - News says:

⬇️ How will Zlatan perform for AC Milan this season? ⬇️

PeLLa says:

So they'll literally play on my Birthday? BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!!!

James T. says:

Because his wife loves Milano. The International Capitol of Fashion. Wifes have a lot of influence in their husbands decisions.

3L_ M3R0_M3R0 says:

who is zlatan again?

luka peeters says:

Don't tell Zlatan to not be mean, it's his natural talent.
Besides playing soccer, I mean.

Isaac says:

My respect for him is threw the roof! AC Milan aren’t the team they were, yet he still chose to return. That’s the truth of a challenge.

(Someone needs to tell Pogba that)

Mohd Ayaan says:

Just because he insulted CR7 he will not succeed with Milan

David Zheng says:

The reason I would taunt like that is to put hype into the game and probably raise up the ticket prices for that game. XD Well done Zlatan.

Lucy Muthama says:

Zlatan vs eleven boys

extus mutanda says:

Time to retire found Zlatan, got scared and apologized.

ShamMotoVlog says:

let's make Serie A great again.. serie A has been such a letdown these past few years.. only Juventus seems to be the bigger club now..

Jose Tapia says:

When he said that when Portugal and Sweden faced. Then Ronaldo scored a hatrick

die ene pieter says:

Zlatan dont go to ac Milan, ac Milan go to Zlatan

Be cool Gaming says:

if he can prove himself on ac Milan this time i'll believe welcome to the team zlatan

Little Frenchfries says:

He will perform ok I believe but he won’t perform breathtaking , CR7 will be way better than zlatan on April,11 I predict Zlatan will score a goal and Ronaldo will score 2 goals and Dybala

3-1 is my prediction

ujju 15 says:

juve 3 milan 2 cr7 hattrick and zlatan brace like the qualifiers

lin Wei Xiang says:

Special discount for AC Milan

Jo Dean says:

Zlatan vs Ronaldo .Remember the legendary game Sweden vs Portugal

AR TV says:

Zlatan will perform average

muema sammy says:

Serie A will be sweet than any other league

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