AC Milan & Elliott Management's "Vulture Fund"

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AC Milan & Elliott Management’s “Vulture Fund”
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When reports emerged that AC Milan was the subject of a takeover back in 2016, it appeared that the Rossoneri was just the latest (and biggest) acquisition in a slew of big money club purchases emanating from China.

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#acmilan #vulturefund #elliottmanagement


Abdi Balboa says:

… Bloody cunt's

Navis says:

Make a video about Suning in Inter, please.

John Wolf says:

`Fox News just ripped Singer a new one, I think his rein of terror is finally over.

7resist7tyranny7 says:

Paul singer is the son of the devil incarnate.

darthvader5300 says:


SonicSP says:

5:23 The acquiring of the debt is fair by Elliot as is the demand of full repayment. Argentina borrowed money, and because of huge mismanagement by the country itself is unable to pay back that debt. That debt was sold off by investors (because they needed the liquidity or cut their losses) and bought fairly by Elliot who demanded full payment. The moment he bought the bond, he took full risk of the potential lost non payment. So this video insistence of Argentina being a victim is pure BS, especially by a channel who clearly knows how finance works, just letting their morals clouding their objective judgment.

The reason why you have bonds be sellable and buyable in the first place is so investors can quickly trade between a slow long term paying asset and liquidity based on the situation. Without second hand bond markets, interest rates demanded on the original bond will be far higher – so good luck trying get anyone to lend you money in the first place. Try building schools with no financing and see where that gets you.

There's a very good reason why Argentina, a rich country 80-100 years ago,has been in economic crisis for decades, it is because of reckless policy of paying off citizens with pork barraling during elections.

Yes, government needs to spend money to keep the country living healthily but spend it wrongly or badly and you will have the effects going on for generstiins afterwards. As such balancing between comfort and reality is key.

Pablo Martín Vintimilla says:

One of your best videos!

matthew Nieuwland says:

I see nothing wrong with Elliott’s business practice. He demands full repayment of a debt he’s owed from countries who cannot repay because of their own gross corruption.

Andriya Pradipta Karim says:

AC Milan + Arab + Egypt + Turkey + Abu Dhabi + Dubai + Qatar + Bahrain + Kuwait + Oman + Libya + Iran + Algeria + Syria + Elliott + Etc.

richard james says:

Great content ..

Gian-Franco Scolari says:

Silvio "Bungabunga" Berlusconi hahahaha

Morgan Stokes says:

Obviously going to sell the club after . Interesting that is it seems Elliot did their homework on Li even before he bought the club, knowing beforehand that they you buy a.c. Milan eventually. The same homework Italians didn't do because, they were simply desperate to sell, amid pressure on Berlusconi for obvious reasons. The question now stays in , who is going to be the new owner once Elliot is out? Because if a.c. Milan stays unstable again, since Elliot don't have a single shred of passion for the club, using it just for their own profit, meaning Milan even after they get sold will be again, in a stalemate . The only way I see Milan growing, is if maldini and other legends find their own investor and ownership that they can trust, combining profit and sportability goals in check. If its Elliot picking a buyer, they won't care about Milan success, since they will sell it to the highest bidder and not who has the best project for the club. Even if that buyer is a complete waste of person and manager, having just greed and big pockets.

Roy Piper says:

Vultures actually have an important place in the food chain.

BoxOfOranges84 says:

This was unbelievably hilarious

Anas yahaya says:

"Silvio bonga bonga "lol bro

john wignall says:

Perhaps Gordon Brown should have thought about these vulture capitalists buying gov't bonds when his gov't was running budget deficits of £180bn?

KD says:

Who are politicians to talk worst people on earth

Hammable Of Carthage says:

The footie version of John Spanos who bought the New York Islanders

Hasade O says:

Amazing informative videos if you love football and how things work behind the scenes

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