Who's the better striker: AC Milan's Krzysztof Piatek or Real Madrid's Luka Jovic? | Extra Time

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ESPN FC’s Steve Nicol, Ale Moreno, Craig Burley and Stewart Robson take fan questions during Extra Time including: If youth soccer teams should have throw-in coaches, (4:15) where Dani Cebellos has been for Arsenal, (6:09) and if AC Milan’s Krzysztof Piatek or Real Madrid’s Luka Jovic is the better striker.

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shailendra sahu says:

When will they start talk about the subject??? ESPN sucks sometimes ??

ThepigandThemonkey says:

These guys have such great banter…

Skromny Patowidz Spod Katowic says:

Of curse Piatek is better

Razib Abdullah says:

Both are great finisher, given time and with the right team, for sure.. Both will be world class in the future.

King Raymond The 1st says:

I got click baited into this

Krzysztof Krzysztof says:

Italian people ain't no real football fans , if you score they support you if not they hate you, I hope Piatek will find a new PROPER club instead of weak Milan.

TheKhaan says:

Piatek is a beast. Jovic not so much…

Gulman Samurat says:

piatek ???

King Tshilobo says:

I heard Chelsea is linked with both.

Armin Jahjefendic says:

Who is here to see if they deactivated comments on other videos?

Andrew Joyce says:

At what point do they talk about jovic

Nina says:

Jovic is a more complete player but Piatek has more positional awareness.

paco ramon says:

Jovic has the same La Liga goals as Nacho, who is a not starting defenser.

Jon Hernandez says:

Jovic Better

Robert Mitchell says:

Why put it in the title if your only gonna take 2 seconds on it

Ryan Tsang says:

ESPN make this irrelevant discussion just for Chelsea again

Bhasty 1 says:

If it is beef mince, that makes it a Cottage pie, not a shepherd pie. That uses lamb mince!

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