Full Match – Manchester United 4-3 Hull City (01/11/2008)

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Seeing as I can’t get anything past copyright these days, it’s time for me to stop making comps. Just going to upload Manchester United matches.



Hajji Mohamed says:

80:25…… how was that even a penalty????

James Griffin says:

But you see candice i do really like u

James Griffin says:

If candice dont kiss me in moving to nigeria to get tan amd malaria

James Griffin says:

The time is coming be ready all for the next match to get bombed

Abdullah Alhassan says:

We were so lucky under sir Alex Ferguson

Ankle Socks says:

That intro hit me in the feels

Janu Hizkia says:

This Prime Bald Rooney was badass and best ever


Saudades nessa época Manchester United era imbatível campeão da liga dos campeões e essa foi melhor abertura do inglês

Andria Artwork says:

ronaldo last season :'(

Kratos says:

Best United Kit of all time?

F r a n k k S o n g says:

OMG is this sped up? cause I never saw teams run this fast in the recent years

DeferiX Channel says:

Last match sir alex please

Unicom Unico, says:

Attaking football is the best way to success.if your team have all out attack terribley,tiki taka,false nine,high mugh pressing,crossing must your team win.

Not Me says:

from where did you find this video my friend

Marcos Torres says:

more full match manchester united

킴머영 says:

This is MU , Now not MU yes맹9

gaz elliott says:

thanks for the upload don't put the score up tho

Fellaini SS says:

42:35 Attacking Center Back

Kristian Sjølstad says:

thank you for uploading old Manchester United games.i hope for manny more.

Aufar L says:

More 08/09 please

Vinicius Comps says:

Upload matches with Beckham if you can

DaveHuncho says:

Great idea and thank a lot! Can you please post the Match VS Fulham played on 9th of April 2011

Vinicius Comps says:

Awesome idea man! Thanks for all the old Ronaldo comps over the years.

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