NAINGGOLAN & SUSO to Inter, CANDREVA to AC Milan?! | Serie A Transfer News

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Where would Inter finish if they add Nainggolan & Suso to their team?

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giwrgos juve says:

pjanic is the best midfielder in italy

Brian Zar says:

Guys come on more podcasts! I’ve been waiting for a long time and seriously you should be more active during world cup time, I understand that Italy isn’t there and it was my number 1 team but so what? Move onnnnn

skull gs says:

Pastore? Nah get ready to be disappointed

nlg070301 says:

Nianggolan is nowhere near SMS's level.

Kiril Raychev says:

Monchi what the shmuck give away Nainngolan for shit players.He should'n go to Inter.

Taco Hans says:

Rumour allready shot down..

AFTV DT says:

I feel. Like inter are doing wht milan did last year buying all these players and end up midtable

Santino Merenda says:

Napoli got Jorginho from Verona for 9.5 Mil. Now they are selling him to Man City for almost 60 million (With bonuses) This deal is fucken incredible for Napoli. Hes a good player, But not a star. Come on? This is a no brainer. Outstanding piece of business from Napoli ???

Tapiwa Muza says:

Wow! I didn't see the Radja deal happening….why are Roma keen on this?

btw Great content as always lads! Keep it up

Muthanna says:

Plz don't do this to me Suso is not leaving

luca_ 371 says:

When suso will go to inter it would be hard enough but switch with candreva would kill me

Inter4Ever says:

Inter doing madness.
Also fix audio lol. Make sure it doesn't go above -6 db in the edit

Jack Maye says:

Im with peter Inter's first priorities should've been signing Cancelo and Rafinha back, then a solid right winger. I'm really gonna miss this 2017/18 Inter

Paul Hannaway says:

I'm so happy that we signed Nainggolan ??⚫?. Monchi has to be on drugs taking that donkey Santon who caused us 9 points last season ?????. What a deal ??

Danielé Tobias San Valentíno says:

Marco u did say Emre Cans name wrong but i will help u bro as a Juventino this is how u say hes namne

lucian Chistoni says:

this channel diserves more subs

eyalvb21 says:

Awesome vids guys just need to get the audio fixed maybe plug a mic or someth… also.. shouldve add something about inter aiming change their president to zanetti or zhang? Personally id love to have zanetti ofc not sure how true it is but id love to hear your opinion on it. Keep it up folks!

Marco Buglione says:

Fabian Ruiz to Napoli???

Josh G says:

I dont think cancelo is that good

Mikea Enriquez says:

Love your videos guys!! Let's keep Calcio strong ?

Interistaa says:

If Inter get Cancelo and the either Malcom/Suso. I seriously fancy our odds.

Ryan W says:

Suso is shit

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