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As always this is part 1 of our Serie A transfer news recap, this one dedicated solely to Milan (there was just too much to talk about) but the second video up NOW takes on Napoli, Roma, Inter, Juventus, Lazio etc!

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Tristan Scott says:

If Dollarumma leaves get Consigli or Perin

Victor Fenomeno says:

Guyss.. We need at least 1 high skilled influence Playmaker. James Rodriguez coud be The best choice but too expensive. So I think Anderson Talisca from Besiktas is better option. Take a look at him. Please tell AC. MILAN to buy him. He is a great young player

barumbadum says:

fuck donaruma

Taco Hans says:

Dollarumma snake. New Buffon, hell no!

mo0osa7 says:

What a shame
He just ignored us he didn't deserve that love

Players come and go, but Milan remains. Forever. #ForzaMilan ?⚫

Juan Bonilla says:

Man fuck his brother in law milan are a great club and I hope they will go back to top once again

Christ Galstyan says:

im a Juventus fan but i respect Milán and Donarumma leaving will downgrade serie a which is not good i felt the same way when pogba betrayed us when he said he would stay at Juventus forever

Shubhay says:

idk why he didn't wait another year if he wanted to leave. If he waited another year, the fans wouldn't hate him, he would make milan a nice profit (if he doesn't become a free agent) and would get paid as well.

Antonio G says:

ZERO! I wanna see him benched all the year. Please AC MILAN…give a message on all this agents…don't sell him.

Omar Waleed says:

I have been a fan of milan since i was 6 and unfortunately I was not old enough to enjoy milan in its prime now i am 19 and almost all hope of regaining our throne of European football was lost, but last season Milan gave me hope, finishing 5th on the table was a great accomplishment and i believe that a lot of the credit would go to montella and a few key players in the team including donnarumma. Now to our disappointment our beacon of hope, which i was hopping would have been the center of all our accomplishments to be is not a true milanista at heart but that is no problem. We will rise no matter what and hopefully one day, we show him what he missed out on. Ale Ale Ale Milan Ale, Forza Lotta Vincere, Non Ti Lascremo Mai

Luigi3005 • says:


Vittorio Fioravanti says:

Ppl why the tears over this fucken guy. He's played no more than a season and a half in top tier. He's overrated and untested. Ya he's got raw talent but he's missing key fundamentals like ball distribution, ability to command the backline, and overall sense of space in the net. I had an opportunity to watch Plizzari in person and he's a more complete goalie than this guy. Let him go… And I also love Milan' s orientation toward Jorge Mendes as he's got a far more impressive stable of players than Raiola and is a dealmaker on all ends of the spectrum.

Dean Darco says:

I won't even cheer for him if he was in nets for the azzurri in a world cup final $dollarumma$

Dean Darco says:

We developed him since he was a 12 year old boy, as tiffosi we loved him I even gave him a standing ovation for his performance against juve.
To be offered what buffon gets at his age and turn it down at a time when we are serious about qualification for champions league is despicable. Disgusting bastard #dollarumma

MrLOBIP says:

The little shit could have at least renewed with a 70 million buy out clause so we could get decent money for him.

099ilokhl says:

Milan should sell him now get as much money as possible no point keeping him on the bench for a whole season then letting him go for free not beneficial for either party's. Also for people blaming riola he was also nedveds agent so the final decision falls on the player and had donarumma stayed everyone would all be praising him

Fuu Sama says:

i agree with you marco.. i dont mind storary.. didnt he take a pay cut or something to come back to milan?? storari isnt a bad player

Aiden n4 Cilia says:

fuck donnarumma

Drew Rees says:

Donnarumma only has one year left on his contract so that's why he will sell for cheap. If he had a 4-5 year contract he could sell for a ridiculous price. I remember Real Madrid picked up Toni Kroos for 25 million in 2014 because he only had one year left on his contract, now he's arguably the best CM in the world.

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