FIFA 06 Amazing Penalty Shootout, MAN U VS CHELSEA FC

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An Amazing penalty shootout with lots of superb quality


Aziz Imourigue says:

That sound really bad

Vasii says:

cum poti sa le aperi asa

Colin Buddz says:

mat its 2013 now, and i still play 06

Alex Blanco says:

That do look like claymation

Dark Galaxy says:

i use to bum this out completely hahaha

Christoph Sporer says:

The old fifa!! <3

ThomasJamesHey says:

Petr Čech has no helmet

Martin Rajkovski says:

nice chelsea fan ! btw u shoot to strong

Xhulio Kazhani says:

its 2011 and i play 2006 beacase it rocks

Josh Winchester says:

@coolkila dont be a smart ass

deadrecon says:

dude its not even that hard theres only 3 choices in fifa 06 try doing that in fifa 10 i just won a penalty from 0-2 down in the beginning and block 3 straight shots after

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