Manchester United V Bayern Munich 30.07.09 Penalty Shoot Out

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[1/2] Audi Cup Final, Part 2 Link At the End Of the Video.
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Shohruh Tursoatov says:

MЮ N1??????

Dillon Lyons says:

just cut man, munich r now shit

Dillon Lyons says:

Bayern munich got beat by chelsea, in penalties and chelsea have the worst record of penalties in the barcleys premier league

Dillon Lyons says:

remember may 1999. say nothing waste man

Dillon Lyons says:

yh talk to me when munich win 19 titles

boss3311516 says:

а чего видео обрезанное не до конца показанное???!!!это типа интрига такая???!!!если уж скидывать видео так полностью а не такое что на самом интересном моменте прерывается

CottonFodentS says:


Lukas Whittaker says:

was this in champions league ? which cup was this??

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