My series based on squads from yesteryear! Hope you enjoy!
SMPL 212 Arsenal – Ac Milan 20.02.2008
Panos drags a couple of defenders to the right and then cuts in and shoots for a goal…
Panos flicks the ball passed the defender and then scores by chipping the goalkeeper to the far side of the goal posts..
Russian Girl singing along to Blue is the colour at the pre-season friendly Vs Ac Milan in the Russian Railway Cup 3rd place playoff.
Panos brings the ball upfield, skins a few players and then lays off a great throughball….
Moja pierwsza wizyta na San Siro(28.09.2008).Milan-Inter 1:0.Ronaldinho’36.Kibice Milanu witaja swoich zawodnikow a Interisci w tym czasie prowokuja.stad te gwizdy pod koniec filmu
ACM back to Division One. I have bought two talented players, Luka Modric and Arda Turan.